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While THC gets the attention, there are over 70 cannabinoids in Cannabis. The other cannabinoids—and terpenes—are believed to have therapeutic effects and must be considered by patients.


Among other effects, cannabinoids suppress pain and nausea while stimulating appetite, euphoria or calm. They are also thought to interact, with CBC enhancing the effects of THC, and CBD enhancing both THC and CBC.

Cannbinoid Benefits:

THC Tetrahydrocannabinol THCA

Psychoactive, analgesic, antiinflammatory, anti-microbial


CBD Cannabidiol CBDA

Anti-anxiety, convulsions, depression, inflammation and nausea, sedative, sleep aid and muscle relaxant


CBC Cannabichromene CBCA

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, treats acid reflux, anti-anxiety, antidepressant


CBG Cannabigerol CBGA

Analgesic, muscle relaxant, antierythemic analgesic, digestive aid


CBN Cannabinol CBNA

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, treats acid reflux, anti-anxiety, antidepressant


THCV Tetrahydracannabivarin THCVA

Anti-obesity, aids memory, calming aid, antibacterial, antiviral, supports immune system function


CBDV Cannabidivarin CBDVA

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects cells lining digestive tract

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